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Smithsburg Community Volunteer Fire Co. gun raffle

Smithsburg, Maryland – The annual Smithsburg Community Volunteer Fire Co. gun raffle is now requiring winners to undergo an extensive background check before being able to claim their prizes. Surprisingly the recent addition of the background checks isn’t receiving any criticism or complaints from citizens this time.

The raffle is for a good cause with a total of around 13 firearms, not including handguns, to be given away. The profits that will be raised will be used to cover the operating expenses of the company, according to Charles Blake, president of the Community Volunteer Fire Co.

The annual event was held despite the ongoing national gun control debate and amidst controversy surrounding these kinds of event in the wake of recent gun related mass shootings around the country. One such event that was held back in 2013 had gotten a lot of attention when the New Hampshire Association of Police Chiefs launched a gun raffle a few months after the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

The raffle’s organizers in Smithsburg have however not received any complaints or criticism for their event. They have assured everyone that the firearms will not be going to those who are not eligible to own them. This includes those with a criminal record or those with an outstanding warrant.

Maryland’s gun laws are among the strictest in the country, mostly because Comprehensive Gun Control Legislation that was enacted in 2013 by former Governor, Martin O’Malley, who is not a democratic presidential candidate.

Under the enacted law, numerous assault weapons have now been banned. There is also now a limit to ammunition magazines which is no more than 10 rounds. Mental illness disqualification standards have also been raised. The law also included a new licensing system that requires firearm buyers to under training as well as providing their fingerprints aside from the extensive background check.