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Hillary Clinton Gun Law Stand

The 2016 Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, is no stranger to Americans and is now a household name in the United States. Her stand on federal gun laws is also equally known to those who have followed her campaign closely in the past months. The Presidential elections front runner has recently revealed her stand on current background check laws and what she plans to do about it should she be awarded the Presidential position.

Clinton had outlined her plan to stop and disqualify certain people from purchasing firearms that continue to get their hands on firearms through the current loopholes and through the internet. She mentioned that she will act on it if given the chance seeing as that Congress has failed to do anything about the problem that has been plaguing the country as evident in the dozens of mass shootings that has happened recently across the United States.

Her plans include an update to the Brady Act which was established back in 1994 that established the requirement of background checks for all firearm purchases. She states that the law was enacted and had taken effect before the internet became relevant in the country’s commerce that now includes the selling of guns online. According to the fact sheets provided by her campaign, about 20 to 40 percent of all gun sales in the United States happen without any type of background checking. This is due to current loopholes, including personal sales, gun shows, the internet and the Charleston loophole.

During a televised speech at a town hall in Hollis, N.H., Clinton adamantly exclaimed that she has had enough.  “We need universal background checks. We know that they will work, I’m determined to do something about it,” she said.

Along with outlying her plans of curbing the country’s growing gun related violence, she emphasized that her motives and focus was not to hinder law abiding gun owners from bearing arms. She then cited that even Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia, agrees with her that the right to bear arms does not necessarily mean that there can’t be restrictions in place for gun ownership in the country.