FBI Gun Laws and NICs Information Center


black friday gun sales

Black Friday was a hectic day for everyone especially those that were out for the best deals in town. Consumers wanted the best discounts and bundles out there, but it seems like the sale was not just limited to the latest gadgets or electronics during the annual consumer holiday.

American consumers were also apparently buying a lot of firearms during the Black Friday frenzy as evident with the record breaking number of gun background check requests that were run by the FBI’s Instant Criminal Background Check System.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s background checking service reported a total of 185,345 background checks processed last Friday. That is roughly about two background checks done per second during that day. Although the Federal department did not divulge how many of those were declined due to flags and criminal records, the number still is quite surprising and is the highest ever in a day for this year. Each successful check however does not necessarily equal to a single purchase.

US gun laws are a hot topic nowadays especially with the upcoming presidential elections. Each candidate has their own road map to achieving lower gun related shootings throughout the country, with each one being either strongly for or strongly against stricter federal gun laws.

Current United States President, Barack Obama, is of course for stricter gun laws and has recently been calling for changes that will limit access to weapons in the wake of several mass shooting all throughout the country.