FBI Gun Laws and NICs Information Center


Everytown Movement

The gun safety and gun law advocate group, Everytown, is once again ramping up their campaign in promoting reforms to the current gun policies and reduce gun violence by releasing a new video advertisement. The new ad was made to persuade President Barack Obama to take action and resolve the ongoing problems pertaining to private gun sales.

The short ad doesn’t have audio and silently calls its viewers to support their cause in calling for immediate action. The ad is set to appear on numerous taxi cabs across Washington D.C. this week. It contains some hidden footage of people conducting a firearm exchange inside a gun show in Arizona where an unlicensed private seller had sold a gun to a buyer without any kind of background check.

The buyer asked the seller if there was any background check that would be done to which he was told that there would be none, he then replies “Good, because I probably couldn’t pass one”. After the hidden video is shown a message is then shown in bold text telling audiences that Obama “has the power to keep guns away from dangerous people”. It then shows a call to action for people to support them in their call for more regulations on illegal gun transactions.

Aside from the video, Everytown has also released a new companion study this week that shows how lax laws have become towards unlicensed gun dealers in the country. This was also preceded by a study that showed a 52 percent less occurrence of mass shootings between 2009 and 2015 in states that require background check on all firearms transactions.