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Donald Trump Gun Law Position

Donald Trump, one of the leading republican presidential candidates in the recent GOP polls, has presented his stand regarding the current gun control and background check laws in the country. He had recently expressed his staunch support for the Second Amendment rights of average Americans across the country saying that no government or laws should be infringing that right. His current policy announcements however seem to contradict some of the ones he had expressed in a book he published back in 2000.

Trump was clear in his message during the second policy announcement of his campaign. He expressed his disagreement of expanded background check policies and limitations on the types of guns citizens are able to purchase.

“The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.” Trump posted in a summary published on his website.

Majority of what he wrote and said during his policy announcements reflects numerous points also expressed by the National Rifle Association (NRA). He even mentions specific policy proclamations that he will implement should he be elected into position. These include members of the military being able to carry firearms while stationed at bases or at recruiting centers and he also wants country wide validity for state issued conceal carry permits.

“A driver’s license works in every state, so it’s common sense that a concealed carry permit should work in every state,” Trump had exclaimed while talking about his plans for conceal carry permits. He then expressed his stand that the government should allow Americans any type of firearms they wish to buy and own, including allowing all magazine capacities and gun types.

Most of his recent policy statement and positions do not reflect what he had written in his book, “The America We Deserve”, which he published back in 2000. In the book, Trump was more lenient and was not against some form gun control.

“I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I also support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun. With today’s Internet technology we should be able to tell within 72 hours if a potential gun owner has a record.” Trump had written on his 2000 book.


One thought on “Donald Trump Expresses Position on Gun Control and Background Checks”

  1. what about the federal law that counts a simple assult under domestic violence and bans that person for life? i was beat up for 5 years by an ex boyfriend from the age of 15-20. i finally had eneugh and lost it on him and left him now i have an assult charge. i should have never plead guilty being young and stupid i just wanted the ordeal to be over with. now more the 10 years later i cant buy a gun are you kidding me so i took a firarmes class and hunters education class for what??? im banned for life to LEGALLY buy a gun. That is unconstatutional!! if i choose to buy one through a private sale that would make me a fellon without ever comiting a crime!! What would can be done to fix this this is B.S.! All these stupid gun laws and backround checks only prevent normal law abiding citizens from buying guns because criminals dont follow the law DUH so how about less gun control?? If teachers and security guards carried guns any school shooting would either be prevented or the situation can be defused before more lives a re lost. What are the canidates position on that? less gun control and more guns for law abbiding citizens? The first one to change this stupid law gets my vote!

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