FBI Gun Laws and NICs Information Center


Although Rhode Island is a shall issue state by the 'local licensing authority' (RI Gen Law 11-47-11), they will revert you to the Attorney General when applying which is a MAY issue licensing authority (RI Gen Law 11-47-18). The local Police Chief has to sign ones application to 'verify residency' before one can submit the application to the attorney general. But, before he signs the application he may have you take an NRA Safety Course from a Certified NRA Instructor within the state. After one receives the training, the local B.C.I. unit may also make you wait four to six weeks to get ones fingerprints on a F.B.I. card needed for a new application. The whole process could take around three to four months before you can submit the application for consideration and then you will be told to allow up to ninety days for a response.