FBI Gun Laws and NICs Information Center

FBI Gun Laws and NICs Information Center

Information and updates on U.S. Gun Laws, Ownership, and the FBI NICs Instant Criminal Background Check System

Oregon Background Check and Gun Laws


In Oregon, the right to bear arms is protected by Article 1, Section 27 of the state constitution.

Oregon is a shall-issue concealed-carry state and is notable for having very few restrictions on where a concealed firearm may be carried. Oregon also has statewide preemption for its concealed-carry laws—meaning that, with limited exceptions, counties and cities cannot place limits on concealed-carry beyond those provided by state law.
Oregon is also an open-carry state, but preemption does not apply to open carry, so cities and counties are free to limit public possession of firearms by individuals who do not have a concealed carry permit. The cities of Portland, Beaverton, Tigard, Oregon City, Salem, and Independence have banned loaded firearms in all public places.